71 research outputs found

    Державна грошова допомога як одна із форм соціального захисту дітей-сиріт та дітей, позбавлених батьківського піклування

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    В статті аналізуються види державної грошової допомоги, які передбачені чинним законодавством України щодо дітей-сиріт та дітей, позбавлених батьківського піклування, а також осіб з їх числа. Сформульовані пропозиції по удосконаленню законодавства про державну соціальну допомогу, застосуванню нових підходів у забезпеченні такою допомогою зазначених осіб.В статье анализируются виды государственной денежной помощи, предусмотренные действующим законодательством Украины по отношению к детям-сиротам и детям, лишенным родительского попечения, а также лицам из их числа. Сформулированы предложения по усовершенствованию законодательства о государственной социальной помощи, применению новых подходов в обеспечении такой помощью вышеуказанных лиц.The article is devoted to the analysis of types of the state monetary (financial) aid, foreseen by the current Ukrainian legislation for children-orphans and children who lost the parental care, as well as persons with the same status. The elaborated proposals on improvement of the legislation concerning the state social aid, as well as introducing new approaches of its granting to the mentioned persons

    Computing Storyline Visualizations with Few Block Crossings

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    Storyline visualizations show the structure of a story, by depicting the interactions of the characters over time. Each character is represented by an x-monotone curve from left to right, and a meeting is represented by having the curves of the participating characters run close together for some time. There have been various approaches to drawing storyline visualizations in an automated way. In order to keep the visual complexity low, rather than minimizing pairwise crossings of curves, we count block crossings, that is, pairs of intersecting bundles of lines. Partly inspired by the ILP-based approach of Gronemann et al. [GD 2016] for minimizing the number of pairwise crossings, we model the problem as a satisfiability problem (since the straightforward ILP formulation becomes more complicated and harder to solve). Having restricted ourselves to a decision problem, we can apply powerful SAT solvers to find optimal drawings in reasonable time. We compare this SAT-based approach with two exact algorithms for block crossing minimization, using both the benchmark instances of Gronemann et al. and random instances. We show that the SAT approach is suitable for real-world instances and identify cases where the other algorithms are preferable.Comment: Appears in the Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2017

    Influence of Technological Parameters on Magnetic Properties of Co-Rich Amorphous Ferromagnetic Microwires

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    The series of amorphous ferromagnetic glass-coated microwires of composition Co69Fe4Cr4Si12B11, manufactured by Taylor-Ulitovsky technique, was investigated. The series consisted of six types microwires fabricated under different technological conditions. The metallic nucleus and glass coating diameters of microwires ranged within 11-20 μm and 26-35 μm, respectively. Investigation of the magnetic propertiesof microwires was carried out using induction and the small-angle magnetization rotation techniques. The anisotropy field, the magnetostriction constant and the average value of the quenching stresses are estimated for all types of microwires. Based on the experimental data obtained, influence of technological parameters onthe microwire’s magnetic properties was investigated. Keywords: Amorphous ferromagnetic microwire, cobalt alloy, magnetic measurements, magnetostriction, internal stresse

    Consumers’ willingness to pay for dairy products: what the studies say? A Meta-Analysis.

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    Willingness to pay (WTP) and consumer’s preferences for dairy products (milk, yogurt, butter and cheese) have attracted attention of researchers. Therefore, several studies have focused on the question of the measure of WTP for these different products. However, these studies found a value of WTP, which is positive or negative between different dairy products, or through the same types of products. We conduct a meta-analysis with the aim to observe the different factors, which can explain the variations of the results of the studies. Therefore, we selected 21 studies (corresponding to 142 observations) which estimates the WTP of consumers for dairy products. A geographical Indication (GI), a Bio label or other signs of quality, differentiates these products. As results, we found that on average, label’s effect is an important quality signal for surveyed consumers. Indeed, GI and Bio label on average increase the WTP of consumers for dairy products. Then, we highlighted that European consumers have an average of positive WTP for dairy products and this result is quite pronounced for French consumers. On the other hand, consumers seem to have a higher WTP for products derived from cow's milk and goat's milk. Finally, among dairy products, cheese has on average a negative and highly significant WTP. These results remain robust, that we use a sample consumer’s (conjoint analysis, auction, choice experiment, etc.) or a sample prices (hedonic price method), even after withdrawal of outliers. We concluded that the case of the cheese deserves more attention due to the particularity of consumer’s WTP for this type of dairy product

    The Complexity of Drawing a Graph in a Polygonal Region

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    We prove that the following problem is complete for the existential theory of the reals: Given a planar graph and a polygonal region, with some vertices of the graph assigned to points on the boundary of the region, place the remaining vertices to create a planar straight-line drawing of the graph inside the region. This strengthens an NP-hardness result by Patrignani on extending partial planar graph drawings. Our result is one of the first showing that a problem of drawing planar graphs with straight-line edges is hard for the existential theory of the reals. The complexity of the problem is open in the case of a simply connected region. We also show that, even for integer input coordinates, it is possible that drawing a graph in a polygonal region requires some vertices to be placed at irrational coordinates. By contrast, the coordinates are known to be bounded in the special case of a convex region, or for drawing a path in any polygonal region.Comment: Appears in the Proceedings of the 26th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2018

    Влияние пробиотиков на продолжительность осмо-секреторной диареи при острых кишечных инфекциях у детей

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    Nowadays acute gastroenteritis retains the leading infectious disorder in children, has viral etiology and osmosecretory type of diarrhea in the most cases. Probiotics are considered highly effective medicines as part of the complex gastroenteritis therapy in children. The choice of the probiotics is limited by strains with proven efficacy and complicated by a large range of commercially available probiotics. The aim of the comparative post-registration prospective study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety the probiotic drug Adiarin Probio for treatment of osmosecretory diarrhea inpatient children. The study included 60 hospitalized children aged 6 months to 7 years. Results: the efficacy and safety as well as high adherence to the Adiarin Probio in children with osmosecretory diarrhea were confirmed.В современных условиях острые кишечные инфекции (ОКИ) сохраняют ведущие позиции в структуре инфекционной патологии детского возраста с преобладанием вирусной этиологии заболевания и осмо-секреторным типом диареи. Пробиотики в составе комплексной терапии гастроэнтеритов у детей считаются высокоэффективными средствами. Выбор препарата ограничивается штаммами с доказанной эффективностью и осложняется большим спектром пробиотических средств на фармацевтическом рынке. Целью проведенного сравнительного пострегистрационного проспективного исследования была оценка эффективности и безопасности применения пробиотического препарата Адиарин Пробио при осмо-секреторных диареях у детей в условиях стационара. В исследование включено 60 госпитализированных детей в возрасте от 6 мес. до 7 лет. В результате подтверждена эффективность и безопасность Адиарин Пробио при осмо-секреторных диареях у детей, а также высокая приверженность к препарату

    Self-approaching paths in simple polygons

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    \u3cp\u3eWe study the problem of connecting two points in a simple polygon with a self-approaching path. A self-approaching path is a directed curve such that the Euclidean distance between a point moving along the path and any future position does not increase, that is, for all points a, b, and c that appear in that order along the curve, |ac|≥|bc|. We analyze properties of self-approaching paths inside simple polygons, and characterize shortest self-approaching paths. In particular, we show that a shortest self-approaching path connecting two points in a simple polygon can be forced to follow a general class of non-algebraic curves. While this makes it difficult to design an exact algorithm, we show how to find the shortest self-approaching path under a model of computation which assumes that we can compute involute curves of high order. Lastly, we provide an efficient algorithm to test if a given simple polygon is self-approaching, that is, if there exists a self-approaching path for any two points inside the polygon.\u3c/p\u3

    Airspace design with explicit utilization of convective weather forecast data for reduced traffic flow management actions

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    We demonstrate a method for airspace design that makes explicit use of weather forecast data, in addition to forecasted traffic data, to design sectors that potentially permit reduced traffic flow management actions. We use a local geometric optimization method to partition a portion of airspace into sectors while optimizing not only for load balancing, flow conformance and sector geometry, but also for providing lane options with respect to the weather forecast data